our history

The Wellness Center at Hillside High School and Hillside New Tech High School is a school-based clinic which opened in December 1995. 

The facility, which is located in the center of the school, is staffed by employees of Lincoln Community Health Center; including a medical provider, nurse or certified medical assistant, and a receptionist. The Wellness Center is available to all 6th through 12th graders in Durham Public Schools. 

The Wellness Center is an off-site program of Lincoln Community Health Center.  It is named in honor of John H. Lucas, Sr., a leader in education in North Carolina for over 50 years and former principal of Hillside High School. 

How to REgister

Our miSsion

To deliver comprehensive health services to the students of Hillside High School and Hillside New Tech High School as well as

Our miSsion


To deliver comprehensive health services to the students of Hillside High School and Hillside New Tech High School as well as all adolescents grades 6th-12th.


To receive care at the wellness center, students must be registered.

The studenT's parent or guardian needs to complete these forms and return them to the wellness center

Our services are normally covered by insurance.  
if you do not have insurance, the Wellness Center will charge a fee, which may be reduced or waived based on level of income. please bring proof of income.
*We will not deny medical care to any enrolled student based on ability to pay.

Students must be registered at the Wellness Center in order to receive care. Registration forms must be completed by a parent or guardian.

The North Carolina General Statue 90-21.5 authorizes minors to give effective consent to a North Carolina licensed medical provider for medical health services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of:

1. Venereal diseases and other diseases reportable under G.S. 130A-135

2. Pregnancy

3. Abuse of controlled substances or alcohol

4. Emotional disturbances

Medical providers are not required to notify guardians about such services unless the situation, in the opinion of the medical provider, indicates that notification is essential to the life or health of the minor.